substitutions: # Change the disp_name to something you want disp_name: powerflie friendly_name: 'PowerFlie Energy Meter' variant: 2addons # Interval of how often the power is updated update_time: 5s # Current Transformers: # 20A/25mA SCT-006: 11143 # 30A/1V SCT-013-030: 8650 # 50A/1V SCT-013-050: 15420 # 80A/26.6mA SCT-010: 41660 # 100A/50ma SCT-013-000: 27518 # 120A/40mA: SCT-016: 41787 # 200A/100mA SCT-024: 27518 # 200A/50mA SCT-024: 55036 current_cal: '27518' # Jameco 9VAC Transformer: # For meter versions: # >= v1.3: 7305 voltage_cal: '13839' frequency: 50Hz disable_entities: "false" # set to "false" to have all entities show up in Home Assistant automatically disable_webserver: "false" # set to "true" to disable webserver listening on port 80 dashboard_import: package_import_url: github://Enerwize/PowerFlies/v1.1/software/esphome/powerflie-2addons-factory.yaml import_full_config: false # or true packages: device_base: !include common/device_base.yaml ic1: !include file: common/sensor/ic-power.yaml vars: first_CT_num: 1 second_CT_num: 2 third_CT_num: 3 cs_pin: 5 ic_number: 1 ic2: !include file: common/sensor/ic-power.yaml vars: first_CT_num: 4 second_CT_num: 5 third_CT_num: 6 cs_pin: 4 ic_number: 2 ic3: !include file: common/sensor/ic-power.yaml vars: first_CT_num: 7 second_CT_num: 8 third_CT_num: 9 cs_pin: 0 ic_number: 3 ic4: !include file: common/sensor/ic-power.yaml vars: first_CT_num: 10 second_CT_num: 11 third_CT_num: 12 cs_pin: 16 ic_number: 4 ic5: !include file: common/sensor/ic-power.yaml vars: first_CT_num: 13 second_CT_num: 14 third_CT_num: 15 cs_pin: 27 ic_number: 5 ic6: !include file: common/sensor/ic-power.yaml vars: first_CT_num: 16 second_CT_num: 17 third_CT_num: 18 cs_pin: 17 ic_number: 6